Riverwalk Car Show Parade
Saturday, July 12 at 1:45 pm
Watch as the car show participants departs from the Riverwalk Cruise-in and head west down Main Street.
- All cars and motorcycles are invited to rumble (Nonregistered participants line up at the Lowell United Methodist Church parking lot at 1:30pm)
- The car show parade will head east on Avery St. turning south on Jackson St., then west on Main St.
- Side by Side formation down Main St.
- At Main St and Hudson St light you will zip into one lane
- You will obey the traffic light and proceed West or North, no left-hand turns
The car show parade has been advised by the Lowell Police Department that “Burn-Outs” on the street are illegal and won’t be permitted. Be advised that there is a zero tolerance for “Burn-Outs” at this event and that “Burn-Outs” will result in Traffic Citations being issued. A Major Offense for Careless Driving.
~Chief of Police, City of Lowell
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